Thursday, February 28, 2013

So many things to say....

This is how I feel so many times.
There are just too many things to say, and none of them really go together so how in the world am I supposed to make a blog post about what I am thing?
Here is what a post would sound like from my thoughts right now:
(don't expect it to make sense)

Wow, I had so much fun at my friend's house.
Can't believe I cried....
People put so much trust in rollar coasters
It's just over a week until I am a bridesmaid for the first time.
What if we've always misinterpreted dog's wagging tails to be a happy thing?
Interesting video on......inflated animals???? ooook...
He died proud and free! 
Why do I get so many emails?
It's cold
I need to bring in wood
Peach ice cream and seltzer actually taste good as a makeshift root beer float.
Red pens look so harsh and mean.
  I'M FREEE!!!
Why am I still hungry?
Why do people not hold their bows straight in movies?
I love back scabbards.
This is probably boring for everyone.

This is the end of the sixth post of Me.

Monday, February 25, 2013

What a weekend Part 2(two)

So this is part two(2) which is dedicated to one person.

The reason I am dedicating this post to this one person is simple.
She's getting married.
I guess that's not the only reason.
She's also one of my many older sisters.
(not for real....but pretty much)

There's alot going through my mind right now so I'm going to try my best to sort it out.
(And I know there will be alot that I want to say that doesn't get said)
This person is getting married in less than two weeks.
Her bridal shower was last Saturday.
To be honest, I got a little teary-eyed at the shower.
I started thinking about how I always say,
 "Us six girls"
and now I'll have to get used to saying
"Us five girls"
(which does NOT have the same ring to it)
Or how our perfect "buddy system" has a kink in it now.
Or just simply the fact that nothing will ever be the same.
After March 9th the whole world is going to come tumbling down.

Ok, so I am being dramatic.

I don't know if you'll ever see this, but even though you and your "manfriend" are wrecking our lives,
 I am so happy that you found your prince charming.

(In all seriousness, I am really, honestly, truly happy for you. I wouldn't hold you back,even if I thought I could. I'm so blessed to have been part of your life up until now and I can't wait to see the life you make as newlyweds.)

 Thanks for being a great big sister.

Oh yeah
There's something I want you to know before you pop off
(because it was nice knowing you)
I love you.

This is the end of the fifth post of Me.

What a weekend Part 1(one)

You may wonder why I have divided this post into two parts.
I will tell you.
Part one is dedicated to two people and part two is dedicated to one person.
Because I enjoy irony.

This is about the two people because it is part one (1).
This weekend was a little crazy.
But awesome.
I spent it with two of my favorite people ever.
(well actually there were six of my favorite people here, but I spent most of my time with two of them)
They are the two people that are most like me.
A little crazy.
We watched some of the BBC Robin Hood series and Astro Boy
(I had the great pleasure of watching both of them cry at the animated film)
(They'll probably kill me for saying that...)
What amazed me the most about the whole sleepover is how much bonding you can do whilst drinking cappuccino, "insulting" bad guys, who are insulting bad Guys (yes, there is a reason that is capitalized), telling about  your most hilarious/creepy/strange dreams and taste-testing cupcakes and meatballs.
(Oh yeah, and groaning over Nicholas Cage's acting skills...or rather lack of acting skills)
What this all adds up to is this:
I really love these two people.
(You know who you are. And if you don't....I give up)
They have added so much happiness to my life over the years and days and hours and minutes.
I really can't explain how much you guys (haha!) mean to me. 
Thanks for making my life awesome.

This is the end of the fourth post of Me.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Christmas sock type of day.

Today, I wore Christmas socks.
Do I need a reason?
But here are a few anyway.
 I like to do things like this
 When you look at them from the top they say "HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY"
 which is good for any day.

They have Snoopy on them.
Also good for any day.
(Something you may not have known: it is extremely hard to take a picture of your own sock)

They were the only clean socks I could find in the two minutes before I had to run out of the door.
(Obviously, there is no picture for this.)

So, why was I rushing out the door?
Because on Thursdays, I have two classes.
One, is a human class and one is a puppy class. 
Because I can't really think of anything else to say, because he is so cute and because I may have lost half of my audience's attention when the word "puppy" showed up.....I'll finish off with some pictures of aforementioned puppy.

Here he is, actually behaving.

"Can I chew on your sock?"

"Can I chew on this bag?"

"How 'bout yo face?"
I don't have a caption for this just cute.

This is the end of the third post of Me.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A lady named Welcome.

Today, my mom and I went to visit a friend.
Her name is Welcome Mae. 
She ignited my passion for knitting.
She taught Mom how to make scrubbies 
(which I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing, considering Mom wants to make wedding veils out of them. *shudders*)
She's just an amazing lady.   
She always says the best things like, 
"You know, no matter what I do, I'm Welcome where ever I go."
or when she tells her little dog, Eddie, to get up in her lap and then quickly adds "or don't" to the end.
"That's so he minds me either way." she says with a laugh
But today, Welcome didn't have any funny sayings.
She hardly said anything at all.
Her life reminds me of an afghan knitted from scrap yarn.  
(That may sound degrading but keep reading) 
There are some really ugly spots. 
Some spots that are like rope. Scratchy and maybe a little course.
Some patches are fluffy and bright and others are flat and dark.
But you know what makes it beautiful? 
It has different textures and hundreds of stories that go behind each tiny thread.
The dark patches only add contrast to the light, making them even more bright and beautiful.
Welcome's blanket is almost finished. 
It really sunk in for me today.
She's dying. 
But you know what's great?
She lived and I got to meet her.
Don't let this post depress you, because that's not what I wanted. 
I just wanted to give you a tiny, little glimpse of an amazing lady named Welcome. 
Go meet someone amazing.
Psalm 116:15

This is the end of the second post.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What in the world am I doing?


I'm Lydia.

You can call me Lydia
or Syd
or Louie

Syd is a perfectly unexplainable nickname. 
I don't ever remember from whence it came but I like it. 
I think I may have given it to myself. 
Its short for Sydnee. So you could call me that too...if you really wanted to.

Louie is perfectly explainable. 
I have 2 sisters and my Dad started calling us Screwie, Dewey and Louie. 
But mine was the only one that stuck. 
I like Louie alot too but my Dad's the only one that calls me that. 
So nevermind... You can't call me Louie. 

I am training a puppy to be a service dog. 
His name is Shasta.
He is a 4 month-old yellow lab. 
That's all I can think to say about that but I'm sure he'll show up in future posts. 

On Saturday, I attempted my first one-handed cartwheel. And I succeeded! 
I felt so athletic and awesome so I did it again yesterday with some handstands and Tang Soo Do forms thrown in. 
(Google Tang Soo Do because you probably don't know what it is)

Today, if I was punctuation I would look like this


That's all.
Because that's how I feel. 
(Don't ask me how a dot represents soreness, because I really don't know. I mean, really this * or maybe even this # should be the universal sign for soreness. Probably this # more because it looks like a cartoon scratch....but I feel more like a dot today.)
But, doing all that showed me what I can do and just how much I miss Martial Arts.  
I miss it so much. 
I really feel like myself when I do all those kicks and stuff. 
(How's that for sounding impressive? "Kicks and stuff." HA!)

Its cold and rainy here which means that Shasta will not be going outside to play today. Which means that he will have alot of energy. Which means.... well actually he's been sleeping most of the morning so maybe rain makes him sleepy. 

Personally, rain makes me more awake. I feel exhausted on sunny days 
(which I why I need to move to Ireland). 
I think its because I have to squint my eyes so much...

And now I am rambling so I'm done. 

This is the end of the first real post of Me.

Embarrassment and starting over. Like always.

This is my fourth...or maybe fifth attempt at a blog. 
It really is embarrassing. 
But I think I figured out what was wrong. 

I wasn't being me.

(Now its REALLY gonna be embarrassing if this doesn't work out)

But when I was thinking about my past blogs all I could think about was how hard I tried. 
I wanted to impress people with my words or humor or pictures or goofy videos. 
But this blog is just what it says:


This isn't to impress anyone. It isn't to gain public notice. I don't care about my template or my avatar. I don't care if what I say doesn't make someone say "wow". I don't care if my sentences are confusing (like the last one was). 

I am going to write what I feel like writing, what I am led to write and you can just deal with it. 

With that being said, I would like to point out that I would NOT like to offend anyone, however......its probably going to happen. If I do, please bring it to my attention. I will think about what you said and I may, or may not change. My conscience is between me and God. 

(There went some offended people.)

If you want to read this blog, then do. If you don't-don't!  Its that simple, folks. 

I'm writing because I can. Because God has given me a love for writing. And because some pretty crazy stuff happens in my life that might make someone smile.

This is the end of my introductory post.