Thursday, February 28, 2013

So many things to say....

This is how I feel so many times.
There are just too many things to say, and none of them really go together so how in the world am I supposed to make a blog post about what I am thing?
Here is what a post would sound like from my thoughts right now:
(don't expect it to make sense)

Wow, I had so much fun at my friend's house.
Can't believe I cried....
People put so much trust in rollar coasters
It's just over a week until I am a bridesmaid for the first time.
What if we've always misinterpreted dog's wagging tails to be a happy thing?
Interesting video on......inflated animals???? ooook...
He died proud and free! 
Why do I get so many emails?
It's cold
I need to bring in wood
Peach ice cream and seltzer actually taste good as a makeshift root beer float.
Red pens look so harsh and mean.
  I'M FREEE!!!
Why am I still hungry?
Why do people not hold their bows straight in movies?
I love back scabbards.
This is probably boring for everyone.

This is the end of the sixth post of Me.

1 comment:

  1. This is not boring....
    Agh, Yeah...Crying...YEAH LYDIA CRIED!
    Wagging tails? Yeah what if we have misunderstood dog's wagging their tails? REALLY WEIRD!!!!
    He died proud and free *chokes up all over again* :)
